Santa Cruz vs Mares II Fight Stats
Santa Cruz defeats Mares by UD
In a rematch of their 2015 title fight, Featherweight World Champions Leo Santa Cruz defeats Abner Mares by unanimous decision after 12 action-packed rounds.

Featherweight World Champions Leo Santa Cruz and Abner Mares meet this summer in a rematch of their exciting 2015 title fight with Los Angeles bragging rights on the line.
- Name
- Record
- Leo Santa Cruz
- Abner Mares
- KOs (KO %)
- Leo Santa Cruz
- Abner Mares
- Weight
- Leo Santa Cruz
- Abner Mares
- Height
- Leo Santa Cruz
- Abner Mares
- Reach
- Leo Santa Cruz
- Abner Mares
- Stance
- Leo Santa Cruz
- Abner Mares
- Age
- Leo Santa Cruz
- Abner Mares