Batyr Akhmedov vs Kenneth Sims Jr. Fight Stats
Sims Defeats Akhmedov
Kenneth Sims Jr. defeats Batyr Akhmedov by way of majority decision following their all-action 12-round WBA Super Lightweight World Title Eliminator.

Kenneth Sims Jr. defeats Batyr Akhmedov by way of majority decision following their all-action 12-round WBA Super Lightweight World Title Eliminator.
- Name
- Record
- Botirzhon Akhmedov
- Kenneth Sims Jr
- KOs (KO %)
- Botirzhon Akhmedov
- Kenneth Sims Jr
- Weight
- Botirzhon Akhmedov
- Kenneth Sims Jr
- Height
- Botirzhon Akhmedov
- Kenneth Sims Jr
- Reach
- Botirzhon Akhmedov
- Kenneth Sims Jr
- Stance
- Botirzhon Akhmedov
- Kenneth Sims Jr
- Age
- Botirzhon Akhmedov
- Kenneth Sims Jr