Dirrell vs Caparello Fight Stats
Dirrell wins by UD
Two-time world title challenger Andre Dirrell overcame a second-round knockdown to dominate Australian Blake Caparello in a matchup of 169-pound southpaws.

Two-time world title challenger Andre Dirrell overcame a second-round knockdown to dominate Australian Blake Caparello in a matchup of 169-pound southpaws.
- Name
- Record
- Andre Dirrell
- Blake Caparello
- KOs (KO %)
- Andre Dirrell
- Blake Caparello
- Weight
- Andre Dirrell
- Blake Caparello
- Height
- Andre Dirrell
- Blake Caparello
- Reach
- Andre Dirrell
- Blake Caparello
- Stance
- Andre Dirrell
- Blake Caparello
- Age
- Andre Dirrell
- Blake Caparello